HEY!!! ^^ How was everyone's Thanksgiving? Mine was great! especially because I went out of Boston:). Haha. I had loads of fun. anyways. I'm going to post up a new =] Enjoy!
p.s. The Holidays are catching up fast. Lol I can't wait! :]
Figleafing Through History: The Dynamics of Dress
1. So many information that can help me. So first they desribed for the fabric of silk. Where it came from and how. It clarify much of my curiosity. The chinese style and how it traded to the Egypt and open up it's popularity there.
2. The weaving techniques, was a great help! I understand why they did it the way they did. At first it was just something someone made up to keep the thread from falling apart. Then they start to create more complex weaving also by silk and cotton and wool. They say silk is the best fabric and comes from the silk worms.
3. Then the formation of Egypt clothing. Since while ago they dress with also nearly naked only with a piece of cloth called kalasiris but soon they create a robe and transparent to make them look more elegant. They also explained some Egypt's history of Queen Hatshepsut and how the culture and civilization develope and prospered.
4. Next was about Cretans. That they dress themself depending on the mood of the sea. They were influenced to many different types of dressing and clothing because many people were traders. The things that they wear usually express their sense in life.
5. The next few pages were some pictures of documents left long ago from different location. Like what they would wear. Also little caption on the bottom. This includes, the Sahara desert caves of the stone time, Sumerians,Egyptians, Romans and Greeks.
4. Questions:
1. How did people gather up all this information? (I mean it's from everywhere! and Lot's of history and tales.)
2.When did clothing/fashion really start? ( Silly question but I've always wonder.)
3. When did silk and other fabrics like wool, cotton was itroduce to the world?
4. Did they also dye them to get different colors? Where did tehy get teh dyes color from?
1. Asiatic: Sometimes Offensive. (That's interesting.)
2. Cloisonne: pertaining to, forming, or resembling cloisonné or the pattern of cloisonné
3. Cache-sexe: a small garment or covering for the genitals, esp. for exotic dancers or tribal members
2.Literary Terms:
(They were kind of hard to find.)
1.Allusion: Reference to the history of Egypt and many many other countries and culture.
2. none.
1. Overview:
Well, from pg. 39-59 it was telling my information of Egypt and the history of Aryans. The Cretans and some Chinese silk. Includes some information of perious gems and stones taht they use to wear as jewerly. And finally some pictures if you wonder what they looked liked and how the people backed them dressed as.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Second post of the day!! Since my posts are due tomarrow :]! OH! I can't wait for the Holidays!! Haha anyhow, here's another! :]
Figleafing Through History: The Dynamics of Dress
1. Explains the history of fashion of the Near east tribes, that they wear a form of kaunakes cloths that are robes of fleece with sheep or goat legs taht fell down like an animals disguises of the ancient rituals. It's a ceremonial dress for gods and the spiritual world.
2. They mention varities of places from far ago till modern world, the era changes so some history might be more traditional and older than others.
3. Another history of clothing is, when the Queen of Ur, a Sumerian queen name Shub-ad died, all her servant, workers, ladies-in-waiting, serving ladies will dress the dead queen up. In beautiful fine golden, red robes and extoic jewerly. And dress themselves in red and crimson wool all over their body except their eyes,hand and feet. Then as going in the tomb with the dead queen. They all drink a drug and dies with her for the afterlife in style.
4. The comparision of men and women dressing in Mesopotamia to be specific the Babylonians. After being defeated and wining their empires...
5. The color indications of the babylonians time. The colors that were status of bold, were rich red, yellow, green, blue, purple. Then the way that the high status what kind of garment they would wear. Example, the neck line, width of the shawl and sleeves or long/short scarfs.
4. Questions:
1. How did these culture came up with those beliefs in colors and the afterlife?
2. What kind of fabrics and tools did they use to make them?
3. Were tehy in a trading system? That allows thme to transfer different materials from different location in the world?
4. Why do the babylonians think that nudity is agaisnt the gods yet cherish the way people are when they are nake? That they think the modesty in women was admirable yet felt shameful for females?
1. embroidered: To ornament with needlework
2. regimentation: The strict discipline and enforced uniformity characteristic of military groups or totalitarian systems.
3. mollusc: Any invertebrate of the phylum Mollusca, typically having a calcareous shell of one, two, or more pieces that wholly or partly enclose the soft, unsegmented body, including the chitons, snails, bivalves, squids, and octopuses.
2.Literary Terms:
1. Irony: Since they belive that nudity is agaisnt their religion of the gods, yet they treasure the way women are but feels shameful for them.
2. Symbol: The indication of colors refering to what it stand for in different civilization.
1. For these pages it provide information of istory from the near east of Mesopotamia and the period of the babylonians. Also history of the clothes that they wore and a culture way that it spread and influence to other culture. And the arguement of the beauty of a female body and rituals ceremonials afterlife customs.
Figleafing Through History: The Dynamics of Dress
1. Explains the history of fashion of the Near east tribes, that they wear a form of kaunakes cloths that are robes of fleece with sheep or goat legs taht fell down like an animals disguises of the ancient rituals. It's a ceremonial dress for gods and the spiritual world.
2. They mention varities of places from far ago till modern world, the era changes so some history might be more traditional and older than others.
3. Another history of clothing is, when the Queen of Ur, a Sumerian queen name Shub-ad died, all her servant, workers, ladies-in-waiting, serving ladies will dress the dead queen up. In beautiful fine golden, red robes and extoic jewerly. And dress themselves in red and crimson wool all over their body except their eyes,hand and feet. Then as going in the tomb with the dead queen. They all drink a drug and dies with her for the afterlife in style.
4. The comparision of men and women dressing in Mesopotamia to be specific the Babylonians. After being defeated and wining their empires...
5. The color indications of the babylonians time. The colors that were status of bold, were rich red, yellow, green, blue, purple. Then the way that the high status what kind of garment they would wear. Example, the neck line, width of the shawl and sleeves or long/short scarfs.
4. Questions:
1. How did these culture came up with those beliefs in colors and the afterlife?
2. What kind of fabrics and tools did they use to make them?
3. Were tehy in a trading system? That allows thme to transfer different materials from different location in the world?
4. Why do the babylonians think that nudity is agaisnt the gods yet cherish the way people are when they are nake? That they think the modesty in women was admirable yet felt shameful for females?
1. embroidered: To ornament with needlework
2. regimentation: The strict discipline and enforced uniformity characteristic of military groups or totalitarian systems.
3. mollusc: Any invertebrate of the phylum Mollusca, typically having a calcareous shell of one, two, or more pieces that wholly or partly enclose the soft, unsegmented body, including the chitons, snails, bivalves, squids, and octopuses.
2.Literary Terms:
1. Irony: Since they belive that nudity is agaisnt their religion of the gods, yet they treasure the way women are but feels shameful for them.
2. Symbol: The indication of colors refering to what it stand for in different civilization.
1. For these pages it provide information of istory from the near east of Mesopotamia and the period of the babylonians. Also history of the clothes that they wore and a culture way that it spread and influence to other culture. And the arguement of the beauty of a female body and rituals ceremonials afterlife customs. ROAR!
Hey everyone today I'm going to start on a brand new book. The reason why I picked this book was because I'm vbery into fashion and I'm garuntee that I'll get some lessons out of this. SO I'm sure it's goign to be a big help if I want to be a fashion designer in my later years.
Figleafing Through History: The Dynamics of Dress
1. So far they are introuducing me to why I should consider reading this book. Very good introduction.
2. The book constantly changing subjects of clothing. For example the moon suit then the indians wear,scientific robes, hippies and many many more.
3. It gives out many information about other subjects as well for exmaple the hominds and how we develope but it still relates to clothes and the changes over time.
4. Includes main factors of what people wear, why they wear it, and how/what did it come from.
5. First starts of about animals uses for colthign for ice age, homids, and early stages of human beings. The tools used to create clothing back then and what they actually wore.
1. As human evolved, does clothing develop as well?
2. Why do different culture people dress differently? How did that start?
3. Why are their different clothes for different jobs?
4. How did the early humans start to tranform themself from being nude to having more clothing on?
1. grotesquely: odd or unnatural in shape, appearance, or character; fantastically ugly or absurd; bizarre.
2. permanence: the condition or quality of being permanent; perpetual or continued existence.
3. imaginatively:characterized by or bearing evidence of imagination
2.Literary Terms:
1. Allusion: The book made many refernces of different history on earth. For example early human, scientific theories and historical culture and modern brands of clothing line.
2. Metaphor: comparing the early human painted skin to camflouge into the environment as real clothing protection and animals.
Throughout these 20 pages, very detailed describing different scenes of clothes beign used and improved over time. It though changes subjects from different early human species to modern day clothes brands. And around different other mathematical and science relations.
Figleafing Through History: The Dynamics of Dress
1. So far they are introuducing me to why I should consider reading this book. Very good introduction.
2. The book constantly changing subjects of clothing. For example the moon suit then the indians wear,scientific robes, hippies and many many more.
3. It gives out many information about other subjects as well for exmaple the hominds and how we develope but it still relates to clothes and the changes over time.
4. Includes main factors of what people wear, why they wear it, and how/what did it come from.
5. First starts of about animals uses for colthign for ice age, homids, and early stages of human beings. The tools used to create clothing back then and what they actually wore.
1. As human evolved, does clothing develop as well?
2. Why do different culture people dress differently? How did that start?
3. Why are their different clothes for different jobs?
4. How did the early humans start to tranform themself from being nude to having more clothing on?
1. grotesquely: odd or unnatural in shape, appearance, or character; fantastically ugly or absurd; bizarre.
2. permanence: the condition or quality of being permanent; perpetual or continued existence.
3. imaginatively:characterized by or bearing evidence of imagination
2.Literary Terms:
1. Allusion: The book made many refernces of different history on earth. For example early human, scientific theories and historical culture and modern brands of clothing line.
2. Metaphor: comparing the early human painted skin to camflouge into the environment as real clothing protection and animals.
Throughout these 20 pages, very detailed describing different scenes of clothes beign used and improved over time. It though changes subjects from different early human species to modern day clothes brands. And around different other mathematical and science relations.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
How long has it been? ^^ lol well guess what?? NEW READING ROARR book everyone! I'm super excited for this one! okay so this term's roar book has to be a history of something.. anything you want.. & I picked dresses cause I'm a fashion freak. Anyhow it's called Figleafing Through History: The Dynamics of Dress. By Christie Harris and Moira Johnston. BTW we're also reading Romeo and Juliet... so if anyone has concerns or questions about either one of the work I'm reading....leave a comment and I'll get back to you!=D
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