Sunday, February 8, 2009

ROAR 5-4-3-2-1 #7

Hey everyone!! Happy Sunday. =D How is everyone doing? good enough? lOl ready for another post on our book journey?

The New Science Of Evo Devo: Endless Forms Most Beuatiful

Sean B. Carroll


* Next we are goingt o learn how the butterfly get's it spots. Funny huhs? ... Here tehy are thousand of butterflies and they are many one that are similar. Now we are going to sense the wing patterns this from the elements. Butterfly wings have scales and each scale is a product of one cell.
*Patterns of the wing it made by the lined up of scales that creates a spot. They are formed in different colors as well. The distal-less of proteins resolves the wings to appear spots. There are real live photographs in the next few pages to show what they are talking about. It is really amazing to actually see because they provided the pictures of the embryos of the caterpillars and the wings marks.
* The patterns on a butterfly can change, depending on the season and climate. For example the Bicyclus Anynana, in the wet seasons and otehr seasons their wings will change color and patterns of the spots. And another two pair of tiger swallowtail butterfly. Both have same features but different colors.
* The next page was a fan mail to this authro complaining how he is using their tax money instead of helping the environment to care about butterfly wings...(OBVISOULY this guys who wrote this is a NO- BRAIN!!! How can he write something like this? This is pure science that people should know!!!!!....igornant fan.sorry ^^ I was just so mad when I read it.) Iliem learning about this.
* Next is the Paint in Black section. This section is the observation of animals and how they got their color black. First example is the zebra which obtain black stripes. This help them to play with the predetors eye, by thinking its a shadown and it's hard to see them.

4. Question:

*Which on which? The Black stripes on the white or the White stripes on the black on zebras? I always wondered this...
*Why did the author pick butterflies as a topic.. I'm very interested because not alot of science is on the butterfly so far that I'd known of yet.
*Is a butterfly an insect?
* Why sepcific on butterflies with spot? There are other butterfly without spots..


*Bastesian Mimicry: the protective resemblance in appearance of a palatable or harmless species, as the viceroy butterfly, to an unpalatable or dangerous species, as the monarch butterfly, that is usually avoided by predators.
*Diverged: to move, lie, or extend in different directions from a common point; branch off.
*Curator: Law. a guardian of a minor, lunatic, or other incompetent, esp. with regard to his or her property.

2.Literary Terms:

*Imagery: The describtion of the scales and colors that together forms the wings of a butterfly.
* There were some references to some famous biologist but I don't know a literary term for this.. sorry guys.


* This one overview is about butterflies and their wings. The developement of thier wigns and the spots that they obtain. Also while we go into spots of butterflies, we get into the color black next of animals. How animals get them so far I'm readign about the zebras that have black stripes.

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