Monday, February 2, 2009

ROAR 5-4-3-2-1 #4

I have a sub for English today so, here I am doing a Roar Post. ^^ What a great oppertunity for another Roar Post for you gusy! ^^ Hahaha....ENJOY!

The New Science Of Evo Devo: Endles Form Most beautiful
Sean B. Carroll

* The dark matter of the genome, here Sean Carroll is explaining to us about the dark matter which is dark energy from the universe and galaxies. With astronomy, the structure of stars, galaxies, collaspe of suns and all the visable objects in the universe. As the same thing for animals DNA.
* So the previous comment relates to human as the dark genes in us, as for fingers, heart, eyes and the visible genes in them are the RNA and protiens.The genetics switches controls where genes are used in our body tissues.
* These few pages after are a bit confusing because tehy relate together in a wierd way, example is the switching of strpe bty stripe and bone by bone, switches of GPS intergrators. And more switches....I didn't get most of it.
* Now I'm into part 11 of the book, and it's Fossils.Genes, and the making of Animal Diversity. Startign with teh Big bang of the Animals Evolution. presented first by first so called, Cambrian Explosion Era around525 to 505 million years ago recorded by the rocks that were appeared in complex forms.
*One of the fossils that we now found from the Cambrian Era was the Dickinsonia Coststala (completely confused right?) It's like a small shelled crockaroach. These were the Ediacaran forms. The next page is the animal evolutionary tree and it shows and provide us the information of which organism started to evolve and was the first known ancestors of our mordern time animals.

* What really caused the Big Bang? Was it the explosions of stars, that's what I heard.
* How does the first organism created? Like how did one animals all started? And which came first the plants organisms or the animals organisms?
* So the relation of anstronomy with the human body is that the anatomy of our body is by constellation of of switches and taht are distributed all over genomes? (I think I know the answer but I'm still unsure?
* Who first came up wtih this theory of the Eras and how everything started to evolve from the first few animals? (That person is a GENIUS!)

3.Vocabulary Words:
* Protostomes: Compared with Duterostomes: Any of a major group of animals defined by its embryonic development, in which the first opening in the embryo becomes the mouth. At this stage of development, the later specialization of any given embryonic cell has already been determined. Protostomes are one of the two groups of animals having a true body cavity (coelom) and are believed to share a common ancestor. They include the mollusks, annelids, and arthropods. **Any of a major group of animals defined by its embryonic development, in which the first opening in the embryo becomes the anus. At this stage in their development, the later specialized function of any given embryonic cell has not yet been determined. Deuterostomes are one of the two groups of animals that have true body cavities (coeloms), and are believed to share a common ancestor. They include the echinoderms, chaetognaths, hemichordates, and chordates.
*modularity: Of, relating to, or based on a module or modulus
*Deciphered:To convert from a code or cipher to plain text; decode

2.Literary terms:
* Irony: That animals came become modern us humans, and the starting of the world is from Big Bang.....BTW, does that mean the world will end by something else? And by that happening will something or another world appeare after then?
*Personicification: There were some lines that indicated the DNA and genetics of ours genes were described as human beings and other stuff.... o.o...sorrys really kidna unclear.

* This whole overview is about the ending of one piece and begining of one piece so it might be confusing but here it is: The author first desrcibed the structure of the world and comapred it to our body. Next was the human anatonomy and the dark matters of enegery in the world and ourselves. Conclusion of the animals evolution and the starting of it caused by the Big Bang and the presents of the Cambrian Era.

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