Wednesday, June 17, 2009

ROAR #4 5-4-3-2-1

Here's the 4th post you guys!!
Enjoy this while i enjoy my corn :] (which are very healthy and delicious!)

Survival of the Prettiest
The Science of beauty

Nancy Etcoff


1-By 1793, at the convention of 1793 made it official that a person either sex can wear whatever they please, and no one shall force any citizens. But fashion became democratized by the 19th century. One deisgner who came to emerged from the regular made stuff and all was Charles Frederick Worth, who opened his own shop. When Eugenie the wife of Napolean III brought a dress from there. From that time on, his shop was working non-stop for making clothes for the higher classes. He made everything with hand sitching and needles. Soon many other imitators opened shops around Paris as well.
2-Wow this is amazing section because it's all on designing and clothes which I have an aim for in life to do as well. I made the right choice picking out this book :] hahahha. I really want to become inspired at things yet not have been done. I really want to accomplish something else rather than doing the same old thing that everyone else have trying to achieve.
3-Designing labels, high fashion is not meant to have something no one else has (which i believe) but to own something that the rich has. (which i don't believe as stated). Anyhow when you buy a piece of garment you expect it to has a logo or the trademark it seems that people often rely on that piece of logo to express that they have fashion, by ownign a rich piece, Designers also do not wish to sell the item if their trademark is not the clothing, why? So they can have the credit and more consumers will arrive. But more than 25% of the designer glasses and watches in the US is fake, people now tend to buy fake products then the real actually which cause teh desigenrs themselves loosing around 200,000,000 now that's alot.
2-Now we're heading to bodies and the riches. When you compare two people with the same exact outfit you can tell who's rich. The one that tinner ( not that i believe it's just said in the book, and contrasting it to us). Well the rich are the ones who have enough moeny to maintain themselves. People often go into plastic sugery and flaunts about it. These people want the designer body as well as the designers clothes. All these aspects just to show they are rich.
1-Like models, models could be classified into the middle class or 1st class before they enter the circle of the fashion world. When they start to work as high leveled models, they join in with the wealthy aristocratics groups. They become thin to maintain the deigner look as well. and it requires alot of diet, training and hard work.

4- Why can't people accept who they are?
3- Does this mean that by making themselves look rich that they want to control or over the power of those who do not dress rich ?
2- How was Worth able to sew all the dresses togther by hand? wasn't the sewing machine invented yet?
1- How much would a dress cost durign those time? Would they use money or something else to trade?

1- Streamline: a teardrop line of contour offering the least possible resistance to a current of air, water, etc.
2- to go around or bypass: to circumvent the lake; to circumvent the real issues.
3-Animated: full of life, action, or spirit; lively; vigorous: an animated debate on the death penalty. (I think this was one of my vocab word this year in english class xD ahahha).

2*Literary Terms:
1- Allusion: Charles Worth, the guys who created a store in paris for the first time and became rich after everyone started to buy his clothes during the 17-800s.
2- metaphor: the way the riches were exactly the way the models were before they joined in the circle. it compares the models against the riches.

This section is about the starting to designing clothes in Europe particularlly Paris and how designers and people tend to like stuff with trademark and logos. Then we move along to body sizes and that it really matters if you can distinguish the difference between a person that's poor and a wealthier person by body size.

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