Thursday, June 11, 2009

ROAR #2 5-4-3-2-1

HELLO! Here's the seconf post everyone's been waiting for, sorry for keeping you guys waiting. I've been so busy with test and projects for reviews on finals next week. But because of an extra week that my school laid off on me, school has just been busier than ever. Here's a little something for you guys and myself. :]

Survival of the Prettiest
The Science of Beauty

Nancy Etcoff


- Here is some science for you guys, skin and Hair! Everyone is born with beautiful skin and an average person would have 6lbs of skin and measures of 20 sq feet. And within every sq feet, sweat glands,oil glands and hair blood vessels and nerves that helps our skin stay healthy or repellent. Healthy skin is beautiful, unhealthy skin isn't. Hair is said to be only alluring when it is on the head. Hair else wise does not look good and could digust people. To me, it's true both hair and skin are very important features on a woman's body, esp me who like to keep my hair nicely and my skin wihtout acne which isn't coming too well.

2- The Next topic is nakeness and I'm going to skip that because there isn't much to explain to you guys, so I'll move onto Groomed. Like mothers of animals they liek to lick or groom their offsprings. For new borns, it is important to lick and groom them right after they are borned because for ex: pups without their mother's care could reduce the growth hormone and less ODC.

3- Again the trend of hair, like pubic hair which is often likely to be removed from the female body, like models who wax, they often wax on the areas of where skin could be shown for the exception of the head. It is then becoming the fashion extreme to have all the pubic hair to be removed. (what a pain.)

4- Next topic we have tattoos and others doings of the body. Tattoos wereto believed to orginated in Nubia,of the fouth century B.C. And it is still becoming popular now, to pirce a needle and inject dyes into your skin (sounds painful but... eh). A close relation would be piercing, piercing is everywhere (I have 8 xD) and is thought that people of years long ago would done the same. Otehr like feathers or bejeweled stuff on our body had increasing popular. As people do this to increase their attraction, they are really hurting their skin.

5-Face Paint! Well face paint partically belongs to the women world but like in Japan and Korean and China tehy al have been using this thick white face paint that creates the face to become WHITE. A chalky powder called oshiroi and made from rice flour and white lead. Japanese women value light skin so they hate freckles and believed in beautiful skin as in fair skin. However in the US, whitish-pinkish makeup has becoming mroe popular. I guess makeup is a big deal as well.

4* Questions
1-How were they able to guess/predict the amount of skin in a human's body? Don't tell me they actually took the skin of a person and like wieght it ><'' ewww..

2-why fair/white skin favorable over darker skin? i really like both skin color, the tones are very blend in.....esp in asia?...why? xD

3- I really care about my HAIR ALOOTTT, so how is there a way to keep my hair healthy and straight?

4- What do people use as dyes for tatoos? like where did the color come from?


1-torso: a sculptured form representing the trunk of a nude female or male figure.

2-tactile: of, pertaining to, endowed with, or affecting the sense of touch.

3-carapace: a bony or chitinous shield, test, or shell covering some or all of the dorsal part of an animal, as of a turtle.

2* Literary Terms:

1-Imagery: The image when they descirbe the asian women face after face paint, and another one from the tatooing desciption.

2-Allusion: Many reference to people again, of course this is a science book so there is alot reference, ex: Anne Hollander and her defintion of beign dress-up.


1- This section sums up about human and what tehy do to their body, tatoo, paint, pierce anythign that envolves engaged in their body.

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