Saturday, October 18, 2008

5/4/3/2/1 ROAR BOOK!

HAHAH how is it going? ;] haha sorry for late posting.. I'm currently taken over by music ( hmmm...I'm gonna try to figure out how I'm gonna add music on here!)! lol anyhow here's another 5/4/3/2/1 for the day! &yeah the story is attracting my mind into too :D

-Adeline Yen Mah

1. Adeline's big brother is tired and stuffed about havign to follow orders so when Niang and their father and Niang's children,oh and Big sister, went on vacation without the rest of the family, Big brother took charge and ordered and did stuff he wasn't suppose to do.
2. Ye Ye and the rest of his grandchildren seem to get closer now as Adeline explained. Together they had pinics and played around the park. And then the sibling also got closer together like Thrid brother and Adeline.
3. Adeline started to like playing with her Thrid brotehr and she trusted him until one day with the rest of her brothers played a mean trick on her and without stoping Adeline, Thrid brother ingored the fact that she trusted him. In the end she didn't response to any of her brothers anymore.
4. After Niang and her children and her father came back home, tehir neighbor came over and gave them a present. Each one of the sibling gets a duckling, and Adeline was the last to pick her duckling, she recieved a weak small duckling but she treasured it very much. it was called her Precuious Little Treasure.(PLT)
5. Once when Adeline tried to feed her duckling with a worm, her big brother started to hit her because she favored her own duck over his. Then she was bruised and hurt but when her PLT was hungry she hurried off to find a worm but the famiyl dog bite her and she was even more injured.


1. Why doesn't Adeline tell her father or Ye Ye that she is always being bullied?!
2. Where does she keep her duckling? And how did Niang response to the ducks?
3. Why did Thrid brother ingored her like that? He said they were close and that the two older broterh always scold and play tricks on him, yet he doesn't know how it feels to Adeline?
4. Where is Aunt Baba when everything was happening?

3. Vocabulary:

1. meticulously: taking or showing extreme care about minute details;
2. banister: a baluster, Such a handrail together with its supporting structures.
3. mercurochome: A trademark used for a solution of merbromin.

2.Literary Terms:

1. Imagery: The describition Jackie's (the dog) teeth drowned into Adeline's wrist. When she was looking for worms near his settling.
2. Onomatopoeia: When Adeline and Wu chun-mei was imitating how her duck would sound..."QUACK."

1.During this section of the memoir, she was explainging the time when their father and Niang wasn't there, and how she turn away from the rest of her siblings. Then whenshe recieved a duck and she adored everything about it, she tresured it. And the experience she had tryign to find food for her duckling. =]

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