Tuesday, October 14, 2008

ROAR Book 5/4/3/5/1!

Helloo everyone! Haha... I hope you guys are having a good time reading my post and all. Lol so how was everyone's weekend? Mine was AWESOME just because it was my birthday on COLUMBUS DAY.(hehe no school!=]) . Anyhow let's get this 5/4/3/2/1 started!

Chinese Cinderella
-Adeline Yen Mah

1) It was finally New Years and yet the 5 biological children recieved the traditonal clothing while Niang's daughter and son recieved overseas outfits from Fance. That made the 5 children really unsettled.
2)Adeline loved writing in school, whenever she had time she writes and she was good at it. She always get compliments on them. No wonder she became an author when she grew up.
3)Adeline also met a new friend named, Wu chun-mei. She was a rich only child and she was oen of the nice girls that aknowledge Adeline.
4) When the 5 siblings couldn't encounter Niang's demands anymore they planned to set a trap for their father to help them out by writing anoymous letters to him. Instead Fourth brother ruined the plan and ad result Adeline's oldest sister became a stuc kup to Niang so taht she wouldn't get introuble. That left the other four alone and yet still persisted.
5) When the Americans dropped a atomic bomb in Japan taht helped the chinese to reenforce together and the Americans were like heroes to the chineses. Everywhere at Adeline's time, all the Americans were looked up to and even teh stars and celebrity from oversea became popular in China.

1)Why didn't Adeline tell her friends what is really going on in her family?
2)Isn't there anymore relatives that Adeline can count on besides her family?
3)What happened to Naing's family?
4)Are the four siblings still going to plan that trap even if oldest sister is on the "evil" side?

1)alacrity: cheerful readiness, promptness, or willingness
2)precedence: act or fact of preceding
3)immobility: the quality or condition of being immobile or irremovable

2.Literary Terms:
1)Allusion: When Adeleine made an reference of herself as Mulan the heroin.
2)Metaphor: As her brother said when they thought that Oldest sister will talk behide their backs by adding more "salt and oil and soy sauce" to what is really the truth.

1) In this 20 pages of the book, it revolves around how Adeline went to school and met a few new friends by creating realistic stories through her writing. She met some of the best friends yet she doesn't seem to tell them anything about herself or her family. Also later on they carried a plan to make Niang the bad guy, but it end up failing because of fourth brother. After Oldest sister left the group and joing Niang. Beyond there is the setting of the Americans helping the Chinese in the WWII and how the stars from America seem to shine in China.

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