:} Last post for the term! Since my whole posts are due tomorrow anyways I should just finish up! :D Sorry guys! WELL here we go!
Monkey Bridge
Lan Cao
5- Continues in Thanh's story, she once met a boy that was harmed behide her yard and she fell for him but Bab Quan was against it and was worried. There her heart ahced and it was the first time they met. The boy thought she was an enemy however she wasn't. So sad..
4- The stories goes on continue Thanh speaks of Vietnam and conditons once again. Then to the future and the past and the animalas description. All very supsense though I kind of got confused in the near end.
3- Last chapter 13, which is only 3 pages? Lol Thanh had died, I think she sucided, cause she died from overdose pills and voldka. Mai didn't cry because she knew all along, she already held it close to her heart. She thinks back to the time with her mother.
2- Mai also reads the letter after her mother's death she then understands closely. The story makes felt very sad in the end... it was an okay ending.
1- So Mai continues her life like evryone did in Little Saigon and Mai went to college knowing her future is right ahead of hers.
4* Quesion:
4- So Mai made it into the college she wanted?
3- Why did Thanh sucide? Or was it an adcident?
2- Where was Thanh burried? In Vietnam or America? Because my paretns told me to burry them in Vietnam when they die...so they can be along with my ancestors.
3-Resonating: to resound.2.to act as a resonator; exhibit resonance.
2- amputees: a person who has lost all or part of an arm, hand, leg, etc., by amputation.
1-Tremors: involuntary shaking of the body or limbs, as from disease, fear, weakness, or excitement; a fit of trembling.
2*Literary Terms:
2- Imagery: pg 256. Lan Cao describtive imagery of Thanh's face and condition after she died... Very scary yet a calm face.
1- Metaphor: pg 260. "...only two weeks ago had been a full moon dangled like a sea horse from the sky."
1- Mai's mother, Thanh died and Mai and everyone else ocntinues their life. Mai sontinue to look forwards her future, eventhough it hurts when she knew how much her mother had sacarficed for her. It's avery nice ending but I felt that Thanh should have lived longer to see her daughter becoming a great person.
Monday, April 27, 2009
#9 Roar 5:4:3:2:1
HAH Almost to the finale. Hope you guys are coming along. Here's my 9th post!!
Monkey Bridge
Lan Cao
5- Thanh seems very shocked and sad knowing what happened to Bab Quan, she is sick and with a head wound and stroke, I feel so awful and I know how Mai felt because when my mom had liver cancer I thought I wasn't going to be able to live but I'm glad she went through it and recovered ^^!
4- Then we get into a letter that Thanh has wrote to Mai, in it she explains how she is sorry that Mai have to grow up this way and that now Mai will truely fully know her mother's life. Knowing that her grandfather is actually someone i nthe army that tried to take over Vietnam. That the person Mai thougth of and looked u pto was not the same person that he really is, though he did saved Uncle Michael.
3- Thanh again talks about her childhood, sharing her life to Mai publicly now, wnating to let her know everything. She mentions bones, flesh, and blood many time indicating how close their bond and they really are to eah other. I feel very gulity to my mom now xD but I like Mai love my mom a whole lot!
2- Lastly to my point she tells us the condition of Vietnam and particularly Saigon. Also how grandmother used to tell Thanh to do whatever it takes to protect her family. I think Thanh had did the very so, to inorder to protect Mai she kept the secret along very well and lived off very well. She devoted much time and care into Mai to be a good daughter and person.
1- When I stop is when she finally talks about the army and the people, what they did. Also Mai grandparents scarficed alot for the family, as in the novel, her grandmother sacafired her own flesh and body.
4- So is Baba Quan a bad guy outside and good in the inside?
3- How did Mai react to this?
2- When did Thanh found out?
1- Why/ how did Thanh have 5 miscarriage?
3- Epitome:a person or thing that is typical of or possesses to a high degree the features of a whole class
2- Converged: to tend to meet in a point or line; incline toward each other, as lines that are not parallel.
1- Innocuous: not harmful or injurious; harmless:
2*Literary Terms:
2-Imagery: pg 222 when they described the chocolate and desserts. Man it looks and seems so good! I WANT SOME!
1-Direct Characterization: "...Baba Quan was a devoted husband, a father dedicated to an uncomplicated life...a farmer who tilled the land with patience and idgnity."
*1 Overview:
1- This section, Thanh writes a letter to Mai describing her whole life and how she felt and how it influence/ related to Mai. There seems to be much emotions into the letter as you keep reading. Very touchingg!
Monkey Bridge
Lan Cao
5- Thanh seems very shocked and sad knowing what happened to Bab Quan, she is sick and with a head wound and stroke, I feel so awful and I know how Mai felt because when my mom had liver cancer I thought I wasn't going to be able to live but I'm glad she went through it and recovered ^^!
4- Then we get into a letter that Thanh has wrote to Mai, in it she explains how she is sorry that Mai have to grow up this way and that now Mai will truely fully know her mother's life. Knowing that her grandfather is actually someone i nthe army that tried to take over Vietnam. That the person Mai thougth of and looked u pto was not the same person that he really is, though he did saved Uncle Michael.
3- Thanh again talks about her childhood, sharing her life to Mai publicly now, wnating to let her know everything. She mentions bones, flesh, and blood many time indicating how close their bond and they really are to eah other. I feel very gulity to my mom now xD but I like Mai love my mom a whole lot!
2- Lastly to my point she tells us the condition of Vietnam and particularly Saigon. Also how grandmother used to tell Thanh to do whatever it takes to protect her family. I think Thanh had did the very so, to inorder to protect Mai she kept the secret along very well and lived off very well. She devoted much time and care into Mai to be a good daughter and person.
1- When I stop is when she finally talks about the army and the people, what they did. Also Mai grandparents scarficed alot for the family, as in the novel, her grandmother sacafired her own flesh and body.
4- So is Baba Quan a bad guy outside and good in the inside?
3- How did Mai react to this?
2- When did Thanh found out?
1- Why/ how did Thanh have 5 miscarriage?
3- Epitome:a person or thing that is typical of or possesses to a high degree the features of a whole class
2- Converged: to tend to meet in a point or line; incline toward each other, as lines that are not parallel.
1- Innocuous: not harmful or injurious; harmless:
2*Literary Terms:
2-Imagery: pg 222 when they described the chocolate and desserts. Man it looks and seems so good! I WANT SOME!
1-Direct Characterization: "...Baba Quan was a devoted husband, a father dedicated to an uncomplicated life...a farmer who tilled the land with patience and idgnity."
*1 Overview:
1- This section, Thanh writes a letter to Mai describing her whole life and how she felt and how it influence/ related to Mai. There seems to be much emotions into the letter as you keep reading. Very touchingg!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
#8 Roar 5:4:3:2:1
Hello there! I'm so tired...I just came home from the washers... ahh rough day.
I'm just sitting here enjoying my blueberry muffin along with my icy cold water.
Let's move on :] enjoy my 8th post!
Lan Cao
5-So Mai went to the Mekong store, where Thanh works and the radios were filling the room, then she saw a newspaper article talking about the American Dream, "Thief sues and demands money". Thanh saw this is response that the woman that was being sued was her boss and a man had stole and sued her. Thanh reacted very harsh, she seems like she didn't like people who steals.
4- Mai really loves her mom, that's why she came all the way there to help work with her mom. Mrs. Bay was very happy to see her helping her mom. Wow her mom and her actually knew french because when a french song came out fro mthe radio, the mother and daughter sat stillly listens to her childhood lullaby.
3- In the beginging of chapter 11, Thanh is arguing with someone and Mai is in her room, worried. Since her miother health isn't well enough. It was something about her father Baba Quan it was something important and yet Thanh forgets about it.
2-When Mai finally came down form her room, they didn't answer her when she asked what they were arguing about, instead they told her that there was a party and mai starts to make food along with her mother and Mrs.Bay.
1-The next few pages, Lan Cao just describes the food and the customs of making them. It was pretty interesting because my mother as well make some of those food and follow those customs.
4- Who really is Bill? What is his last name? Is he the one that was suing thanh's boss? Is Mrs.Bay her boss by any chance?
3- What are GIs?
2- How did Mai and Thanh learn french? During the war??
1-Who is Jane Fonda? xD wow I'm so clueless.
3- Nostalgia: a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life, to one's home or homeland, or to one's family and friends
2- Sibilant: Phonetics. characterized by a hissing sound; noting sounds
1- Insignia: badge or distinguishing mark of office or honor:
*2Literary Terms:
2-Metaphor: pg 193 "As the administrator, she's considered the guarantor of the pot."
1- Imagery: pg 200 where Thanh shows her emotions and feelings after knowing what had happen to Baba Quan.
1- Mai went to the store to help her mother and there slowly she starts to know the truth. I think that her grandfather has already died. Thanh have been known on this, I feel really bad for Mai and her mother.
I'm just sitting here enjoying my blueberry muffin along with my icy cold water.
Let's move on :] enjoy my 8th post!
Lan Cao
5-So Mai went to the Mekong store, where Thanh works and the radios were filling the room, then she saw a newspaper article talking about the American Dream, "Thief sues and demands money". Thanh saw this is response that the woman that was being sued was her boss and a man had stole and sued her. Thanh reacted very harsh, she seems like she didn't like people who steals.
4- Mai really loves her mom, that's why she came all the way there to help work with her mom. Mrs. Bay was very happy to see her helping her mom. Wow her mom and her actually knew french because when a french song came out fro mthe radio, the mother and daughter sat stillly listens to her childhood lullaby.
3- In the beginging of chapter 11, Thanh is arguing with someone and Mai is in her room, worried. Since her miother health isn't well enough. It was something about her father Baba Quan it was something important and yet Thanh forgets about it.
2-When Mai finally came down form her room, they didn't answer her when she asked what they were arguing about, instead they told her that there was a party and mai starts to make food along with her mother and Mrs.Bay.
1-The next few pages, Lan Cao just describes the food and the customs of making them. It was pretty interesting because my mother as well make some of those food and follow those customs.
4- Who really is Bill? What is his last name? Is he the one that was suing thanh's boss? Is Mrs.Bay her boss by any chance?
3- What are GIs?
2- How did Mai and Thanh learn french? During the war??
1-Who is Jane Fonda? xD wow I'm so clueless.
3- Nostalgia: a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life, to one's home or homeland, or to one's family and friends
2- Sibilant: Phonetics. characterized by a hissing sound; noting sounds
1- Insignia: badge or distinguishing mark of office or honor:
*2Literary Terms:
2-Metaphor: pg 193 "As the administrator, she's considered the guarantor of the pot."
1- Imagery: pg 200 where Thanh shows her emotions and feelings after knowing what had happen to Baba Quan.
1- Mai went to the store to help her mother and there slowly she starts to know the truth. I think that her grandfather has already died. Thanh have been known on this, I feel really bad for Mai and her mother.
Friday, April 24, 2009
#7 Roar 5:4:3:2:1
:D ALmost over, haha. Enjoying my honey tea while doing a roar post. It's decent morning sunny and bright outside. Seems super cozy! ^^
Monkey Bridge
Lan Cao
5- The story that Thanh wrote in her dairy about the Japanese girl that did not obey her mother and did the opposite of everything her mother wanted and in the end turned into stone by the gods was really good!. I think Thanh also thinks that way the bond between a mother and daughter is always the closest and to Thanh it's not only that childern are suppose to obey their parents but to understand their wishes. Thanh loves Mai a whole, I can tell.
4- Thanh later descibes how her childhood memories with the rice fields and everything and she regretted that Mai never had the chance to experience that because Mai was born during the war and they were refugees. Thanh then continues to detail about her childhood life until she was married .
3- I've noticed that Lan Cao often uses imagery while describing the setting and location of the stories. Like when Thanh is talking about the horizon and now Mai is also talking about it.
2- Mai fianlly tells her mother than she and Bobbie tried to find Baba Quan, and that they were driving all the way to Canada to give a phone call to Vietnam to find Baba Quan's location.
1- All of a sudden, Mai was crying in the middle of the night and that woke her up. For no reason she begins to think back aout the minor mistake, one wrong move. I think everything that had been mentioned in the novel before so, is hurting her now.
4- Why didn't Thanh want Mai to call Baba Quan when she was almost in Canada?
3- Why is Mai crying by herself? Is she sad about her mother?
2- Is Thanh released from the hospital yet? She seems to do fine right now.
1- In Thanh's dairy did she really write in english or Vietnamese and had it translated?
3* Vocabulary:
3-Relinquished: to renounce or surrender
2-Inclination: a disposition or bent, esp. of the mind or will; a liking or preference.
1-Palpitation: an unusually or abnormally rapid or violent beating of the heart.
2*Literary Terms:
2-Imagery- Pg 174 When Thanh is describing the horizon and the setting.
1-Anthropomorphism: Pg 174 When Thanh is describing when they bend their backs into the letter S like Vietnam.
1* Overview:
1- This section that I've read is about Thanh's diary and her childhood memories and her regrets of not letting Mai see how wonderful it is. Afterward Mai confess to her mother about her and Bobbie going to Canada to call Baba Quan.
Monkey Bridge
Lan Cao
5- The story that Thanh wrote in her dairy about the Japanese girl that did not obey her mother and did the opposite of everything her mother wanted and in the end turned into stone by the gods was really good!. I think Thanh also thinks that way the bond between a mother and daughter is always the closest and to Thanh it's not only that childern are suppose to obey their parents but to understand their wishes. Thanh loves Mai a whole, I can tell.
4- Thanh later descibes how her childhood memories with the rice fields and everything and she regretted that Mai never had the chance to experience that because Mai was born during the war and they were refugees. Thanh then continues to detail about her childhood life until she was married .
3- I've noticed that Lan Cao often uses imagery while describing the setting and location of the stories. Like when Thanh is talking about the horizon and now Mai is also talking about it.
2- Mai fianlly tells her mother than she and Bobbie tried to find Baba Quan, and that they were driving all the way to Canada to give a phone call to Vietnam to find Baba Quan's location.
1- All of a sudden, Mai was crying in the middle of the night and that woke her up. For no reason she begins to think back aout the minor mistake, one wrong move. I think everything that had been mentioned in the novel before so, is hurting her now.
4- Why didn't Thanh want Mai to call Baba Quan when she was almost in Canada?
3- Why is Mai crying by herself? Is she sad about her mother?
2- Is Thanh released from the hospital yet? She seems to do fine right now.
1- In Thanh's dairy did she really write in english or Vietnamese and had it translated?
3* Vocabulary:
3-Relinquished: to renounce or surrender
2-Inclination: a disposition or bent, esp. of the mind or will; a liking or preference.
1-Palpitation: an unusually or abnormally rapid or violent beating of the heart.
2*Literary Terms:
2-Imagery- Pg 174 When Thanh is describing the horizon and the setting.
1-Anthropomorphism: Pg 174 When Thanh is describing when they bend their backs into the letter S like Vietnam.
1* Overview:
1- This section that I've read is about Thanh's diary and her childhood memories and her regrets of not letting Mai see how wonderful it is. Afterward Mai confess to her mother about her and Bobbie going to Canada to call Baba Quan.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
#6 Roar 5:4:3:2:1
... Yeah it's going on daily.. ^^ && after this I'll be off to work.
Monkey Bridge
Lan Cao
5* Comments:
5-I figured out that Mai also just to live in MA as well before. This is being mention while Mai and her mother is getting their fortune told to them by a fortune teller. Vietnamese people believe in all those stuff. I find it very related to my mom because when she was young in Vietnam she also had her fortune told and suprisingly it was all correct. What can I say, pretty cool huhs? :]
4-I kind of have a better idea how the Vietnam war started now, since Mai is kind of talking about the past. The north tried to take over the south pf Vietnam or something. My dad had been in the Vietnam war along side with the Americans. He always tells me some stories but they're always so confusing since it's the past.
3-After in the begining of chapter 9, Mai is implying that her grandfather, Baba Quan has seen Saigon (also known as Ho Chi Minh City) falls to its feet because of the terrible war. She was so descriptive about this part, though not from her eyes point of view but her grandfather. And then she soon started asking herself all these questions of where he is.
2-Once again Mai somehow started to read her moter's dairy again, inside so far was her mother worries about Mai and her love for Mai. Her mother wrote that when she was 17 was already married for 2 years. Though Mai wants to leave home to go to college so her mother seems of it as not traditonal but the right way for Mai to go.
1-Again Thanh is telling us how the things Mai believes are totally different from what Thanh wants her to believe. Mai learns about genetics and everything form science and facts from learning at school however her mother thinks its all karma because she experienced karma all her life.
4-Who was the fortune teller? Why did Mrs.Bay say she was very good? How did she even know?
3-How did Mai feel after reading her mother's dairy?
2-Did Mai and her mtoher really believe in what the fortune teller was telling them?
1- Is Mai as worried as Mama is about Baba Quan?
3-Inadvertently: unintentional.
the condition, state, or quality of being protuberant.2.a protuberant part or thing; projection or bulge.
1-Exodus: a going out; a departure or emigration, usually of a large number of people.
2*Literary Terms:
2-Metaphor: P 164, Mai's grandfather's last day in Saigon lingered like a lantern on the grap motionless night.
1- In this section, the fortune teller came and talked to Mai and her mother. Mai then recall the times with her grandfather and wonder how he is doing. After Mai starts to read her mother's dairy.
Monkey Bridge
Lan Cao
5* Comments:
5-I figured out that Mai also just to live in MA as well before. This is being mention while Mai and her mother is getting their fortune told to them by a fortune teller. Vietnamese people believe in all those stuff. I find it very related to my mom because when she was young in Vietnam she also had her fortune told and suprisingly it was all correct. What can I say, pretty cool huhs? :]
4-I kind of have a better idea how the Vietnam war started now, since Mai is kind of talking about the past. The north tried to take over the south pf Vietnam or something. My dad had been in the Vietnam war along side with the Americans. He always tells me some stories but they're always so confusing since it's the past.
3-After in the begining of chapter 9, Mai is implying that her grandfather, Baba Quan has seen Saigon (also known as Ho Chi Minh City) falls to its feet because of the terrible war. She was so descriptive about this part, though not from her eyes point of view but her grandfather. And then she soon started asking herself all these questions of where he is.
2-Once again Mai somehow started to read her moter's dairy again, inside so far was her mother worries about Mai and her love for Mai. Her mother wrote that when she was 17 was already married for 2 years. Though Mai wants to leave home to go to college so her mother seems of it as not traditonal but the right way for Mai to go.
1-Again Thanh is telling us how the things Mai believes are totally different from what Thanh wants her to believe. Mai learns about genetics and everything form science and facts from learning at school however her mother thinks its all karma because she experienced karma all her life.
4-Who was the fortune teller? Why did Mrs.Bay say she was very good? How did she even know?
3-How did Mai feel after reading her mother's dairy?
2-Did Mai and her mtoher really believe in what the fortune teller was telling them?
1- Is Mai as worried as Mama is about Baba Quan?
3-Inadvertently: unintentional.
the condition, state, or quality of being protuberant.2.a protuberant part or thing; projection or bulge.
1-Exodus: a going out; a departure or emigration, usually of a large number of people.
2*Literary Terms:
2-Metaphor: P 164, Mai's grandfather's last day in Saigon lingered like a lantern on the grap motionless night.
1- In this section, the fortune teller came and talked to Mai and her mother. Mai then recall the times with her grandfather and wonder how he is doing. After Mai starts to read her mother's dairy.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
#5 Roar 5:4:3:2:1
HAHA. Here it is again! (:
Have fun! While I'm still dizzing and dazzing all over my computer....
( I just woke up. ^^;;' hope you don't mind!)
Monkey Bridge
Lan Cao
5* Comments:
5- Once again we get into the fatasy asian typical stuff, like astrological signs and zodiac asian animals sign(?!?). Anyhow, if you were born on a specific year of an animal, there's 12 of them and at a certain time... its suppose that your future will be good or not. (superficial). I was born on the year of the rooster so my dad usually brags about it in front of his friends.......^^ that's just a little connection to Monkey Bridge since Thanh and Mai was talking about it as well. Mai was born on the year of the Buffalo at 8:15 so her mother said it was bad luck.
4- Here we get back to Thanh's condition, she seems to be doing better. Mai tells us what's wrong with her mother, she has CVA which the left of the brian is neglected and can't be used.
3- It's great that Thanh has a friend as well, Mrs.Bay which also keep her company and it seems that they are big fans of traditional medicine and not the western/modern medicine.
2-So Mai is looking forward into going to a good college. She had a interview with Amy Layton, she seemed very nervous, and they most talked about Vietnam as it seems.
1- HA, I just notice that there is no fixed "I" or "you" in Vietnamese, it all depends on who you're talking to and addressing that. I've always thought about that when people ask me how to tranlate... I would never understand, good things I had a better understanding now. Thanks for the clarification Lan Cao!
4* Questions:
4- Who really was Mary Lyon?
3- Is Thanh's mother able to be dismissed form the hospital at times?
2- Is Mrs. Bay from Vietnam too, how are they able to communicate?
1- Why are asians so superficial? x)
3* Vocabulary:
3- Austere: severe in manner or appearance; uncompromising; strict; forbidding.
2- Concocted: to prepare or make by combining ingredients, esp. in cookery.
1- Luminous: radiating or reflecting light; shining; bright.
2*Literary Terms:
2- Allusion: Pg 144 where Mai was referring to Mama (Thanh)'s American Dream and its becoming like the modern version of the trung sisters.(not so sure what that is.. O.O)
1- Direct characterization: There's plenty here, : When Mai was describing the details of Amy Layton when she first arrived for Mai's interview into the college.
1* Overview
1- This section tells about Mai and Thanh's condition alot, also how Mai is going to be in college soon.
Have fun! While I'm still dizzing and dazzing all over my computer....
( I just woke up. ^^;;' hope you don't mind!)
Monkey Bridge
Lan Cao
5* Comments:
5- Once again we get into the fatasy asian typical stuff, like astrological signs and zodiac asian animals sign(?!?). Anyhow, if you were born on a specific year of an animal, there's 12 of them and at a certain time... its suppose that your future will be good or not. (superficial). I was born on the year of the rooster so my dad usually brags about it in front of his friends.......^^ that's just a little connection to Monkey Bridge since Thanh and Mai was talking about it as well. Mai was born on the year of the Buffalo at 8:15 so her mother said it was bad luck.
4- Here we get back to Thanh's condition, she seems to be doing better. Mai tells us what's wrong with her mother, she has CVA which the left of the brian is neglected and can't be used.
3- It's great that Thanh has a friend as well, Mrs.Bay which also keep her company and it seems that they are big fans of traditional medicine and not the western/modern medicine.
2-So Mai is looking forward into going to a good college. She had a interview with Amy Layton, she seemed very nervous, and they most talked about Vietnam as it seems.
1- HA, I just notice that there is no fixed "I" or "you" in Vietnamese, it all depends on who you're talking to and addressing that. I've always thought about that when people ask me how to tranlate... I would never understand, good things I had a better understanding now. Thanks for the clarification Lan Cao!
4* Questions:
4- Who really was Mary Lyon?
3- Is Thanh's mother able to be dismissed form the hospital at times?
2- Is Mrs. Bay from Vietnam too, how are they able to communicate?
1- Why are asians so superficial? x)
3* Vocabulary:
3- Austere: severe in manner or appearance; uncompromising; strict; forbidding.
2- Concocted: to prepare or make by combining ingredients, esp. in cookery.
1- Luminous: radiating or reflecting light; shining; bright.
2*Literary Terms:
2- Allusion: Pg 144 where Mai was referring to Mama (Thanh)'s American Dream and its becoming like the modern version of the trung sisters.(not so sure what that is.. O.O)
1- Direct characterization: There's plenty here, : When Mai was describing the details of Amy Layton when she first arrived for Mai's interview into the college.
1* Overview
1- This section tells about Mai and Thanh's condition alot, also how Mai is going to be in college soon.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
#4 Roar 5:4:3:2:1
:] Good Morning!! Is everyone enjoying their Spring Break? (: Having too many work really brings me down, anyhow I will complete the whole book this week and give you the exclusive 5-4-3-2-1 :D enjoy some for now.
Monkey Bridge
Lan Cao
1- Uncle Michael seems like a very good, strong gentleman. He's very caring for Mai's family and a very good soldier. He seems to do his job in particular way that made him so modest. He's very close to Mai and her family, knowing that he visit them almost every evening. OH so after Uncle Michael left Vietnam, Mai's father had died in his sleep quietly.(answered one of my question).
2-Vietnamese people are very supscious, they believe in almost everything. In the next few pages they are talking about Mai's father death and the process of the whole dead stuff. I really didn't mind reading this section but it's so superficial.
3- Mai's grandfather tells them a lot of stories and things. I think most Asian elder generation does that, it seems to connects the stories of when they were younger and to the present almost like my dad does since my grandparents are no longer here.
4- Mai's family is very close to their homeland, it's described that they would never want to leave a place like that. And here her descriptions of the land and fields. It remind me when I visit Vietnam that I've also had that feeling, some what so close that I didn't even want to leave. It had a home feeling.
5- After the few next pages, I really don't get it... they are talking about pain and suffering and death... things that I do really like. It's was confusing.
4* Questions:
1- So Uncle Michael isn't Vietnamese at all? All this time I thought he was. How did they communicate back in Vietnam then?
2- How is Thanh's condition so far? She hasn't been mentioned much.
3- How did Mai's grandfather just disappeared? Wasn't he with them all this time?
4- So this whole section was in Saigon? Where is Tan Son airport then?
3* Vocabulary:
1- Monotone: a vocal utterance or series of speech sounds in one unvaried tone.
2- Monochrome: a painting or drawing in different shades of a single color.
3- Primordial: constituting a beginning; giving origin to something derived or developed; original; elementary
2* Literary Term:
1- personification: P 96 of the yellow hot fog moving/ walking like dinosuars,
2- Similie: Simile: It was as if all of America were holding its breath, waiting for a deceased body, ravaged and fatigued, and now all too demanding, to let go.
1- Mai and her family is going through rough times in Vietnam, and here she is describing the conditions of Vietnam, it seems that it's been really hard since WWII had started.
Monkey Bridge
Lan Cao
1- Uncle Michael seems like a very good, strong gentleman. He's very caring for Mai's family and a very good soldier. He seems to do his job in particular way that made him so modest. He's very close to Mai and her family, knowing that he visit them almost every evening. OH so after Uncle Michael left Vietnam, Mai's father had died in his sleep quietly.(answered one of my question).
2-Vietnamese people are very supscious, they believe in almost everything. In the next few pages they are talking about Mai's father death and the process of the whole dead stuff. I really didn't mind reading this section but it's so superficial.
3- Mai's grandfather tells them a lot of stories and things. I think most Asian elder generation does that, it seems to connects the stories of when they were younger and to the present almost like my dad does since my grandparents are no longer here.
4- Mai's family is very close to their homeland, it's described that they would never want to leave a place like that. And here her descriptions of the land and fields. It remind me when I visit Vietnam that I've also had that feeling, some what so close that I didn't even want to leave. It had a home feeling.
5- After the few next pages, I really don't get it... they are talking about pain and suffering and death... things that I do really like. It's was confusing.
4* Questions:
1- So Uncle Michael isn't Vietnamese at all? All this time I thought he was. How did they communicate back in Vietnam then?
2- How is Thanh's condition so far? She hasn't been mentioned much.
3- How did Mai's grandfather just disappeared? Wasn't he with them all this time?
4- So this whole section was in Saigon? Where is Tan Son airport then?
3* Vocabulary:
1- Monotone: a vocal utterance or series of speech sounds in one unvaried tone.
2- Monochrome: a painting or drawing in different shades of a single color.
3- Primordial: constituting a beginning; giving origin to something derived or developed; original; elementary
2* Literary Term:
1- personification: P 96 of the yellow hot fog moving/ walking like dinosuars,
2- Similie: Simile: It was as if all of America were holding its breath, waiting for a deceased body, ravaged and fatigued, and now all too demanding, to let go.
1- Mai and her family is going through rough times in Vietnam, and here she is describing the conditions of Vietnam, it seems that it's been really hard since WWII had started.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
#3 Roar 5:4:3:2:1
Hey everyone!^^ Sorry for the long wait.
Monkey Bridge
Lan Cao
5* Comments:
-IN the first section of my reading, Mai is descibign her grandfather, Baba Quan very precisely then at the same time shared a little memoir of her and Baba Quan. Of what he told her and also her mother. Mai's mother still laying in the bed and realizes that its about time for her to get use to the American way.
2-Later, Mai finally talked about her father. Being a Professor and that he and Thanh use to speak together in french. It's still very vague how her father was like.
3-Later Mai discussed about how when Mai and her mother just first arrived in America.And Uncle Michael was there to help them. I could feel how fustrated and scared they were, because it would have been very hard since they didnt know the language very well and for people to help them.
4- Around the few next page, Tet Asian/ Vietnamese new year came up. Tet is a very exciting fun 3 day holiday at least. There are things you should do and things you shouldn't. It's very nice that it is beign mentioned.
5-Last comment for today was that Mai recalls her father birthday. Where Thanh, Mai and Uncle Michael spend with her father at majestic hotel. They were wearing ao dai (vietnamese traditional dress).
1- What is the movie I dream of Jeannie about? Does it relate to Mai in some sort?
2-What are ghost money? Even though they sound kind of familar.... o.o..
3- How did Thanh and her father learned french from? Does Mai know how to speak french as well?
4- Was there a war going on or something? I'm a bit confused because gun and power were being mentioned yet they are celebrating a birthday for Mai's father. & what are the news that Uncle Michael told to Mai's father?
1-Ponderous: of great weight; heavy; massive.
2-Sentry: a soldier stationed at a place to stand guard and prevent the passage of unauthorized persons, watch for fires, etc., esp. a sentinel stationed at a pass, gate, opening in a defense work, or the like.
3-Beckon: to signal, summon, or direct by a gesture of the head or hand.
2* Liteary Terms:
1-Simile: "It was a tactic as smooth and sleek as hot wax on tender skin."
2- Allusion: To scare of ghost and bad luck, demons we use firecrackers. A reference to Tet or the new year and the things that Vietnamese people do.
1* Overview:
1- Here Mai describes more about her father and mama's conditions. ALso she mentioned alot of uncle Micahel and how he's a great help to her family.
Monkey Bridge
Lan Cao
5* Comments:
-IN the first section of my reading, Mai is descibign her grandfather, Baba Quan very precisely then at the same time shared a little memoir of her and Baba Quan. Of what he told her and also her mother. Mai's mother still laying in the bed and realizes that its about time for her to get use to the American way.
2-Later, Mai finally talked about her father. Being a Professor and that he and Thanh use to speak together in french. It's still very vague how her father was like.
3-Later Mai discussed about how when Mai and her mother just first arrived in America.And Uncle Michael was there to help them. I could feel how fustrated and scared they were, because it would have been very hard since they didnt know the language very well and for people to help them.
4- Around the few next page, Tet Asian/ Vietnamese new year came up. Tet is a very exciting fun 3 day holiday at least. There are things you should do and things you shouldn't. It's very nice that it is beign mentioned.
5-Last comment for today was that Mai recalls her father birthday. Where Thanh, Mai and Uncle Michael spend with her father at majestic hotel. They were wearing ao dai (vietnamese traditional dress).
1- What is the movie I dream of Jeannie about? Does it relate to Mai in some sort?
2-What are ghost money? Even though they sound kind of familar.... o.o..
3- How did Thanh and her father learned french from? Does Mai know how to speak french as well?
4- Was there a war going on or something? I'm a bit confused because gun and power were being mentioned yet they are celebrating a birthday for Mai's father. & what are the news that Uncle Michael told to Mai's father?
1-Ponderous: of great weight; heavy; massive.
2-Sentry: a soldier stationed at a place to stand guard and prevent the passage of unauthorized persons, watch for fires, etc., esp. a sentinel stationed at a pass, gate, opening in a defense work, or the like.
3-Beckon: to signal, summon, or direct by a gesture of the head or hand.
2* Liteary Terms:
1-Simile: "It was a tactic as smooth and sleek as hot wax on tender skin."
2- Allusion: To scare of ghost and bad luck, demons we use firecrackers. A reference to Tet or the new year and the things that Vietnamese people do.
1* Overview:
1- Here Mai describes more about her father and mama's conditions. ALso she mentioned alot of uncle Micahel and how he's a great help to her family.
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