Sunday, April 26, 2009

#8 Roar 5:4:3:2:1

Hello there! I'm so tired...I just came home from the washers... ahh rough day.
I'm just sitting here enjoying my blueberry muffin along with my icy cold water.
Let's move on :] enjoy my 8th post!

Monkey Bridge
Lan Cao

5-So Mai went to the Mekong store, where Thanh works and the radios were filling the room, then she saw a newspaper article talking about the American Dream, "Thief sues and demands money". Thanh saw this is response that the woman that was being sued was her boss and a man had stole and sued her. Thanh reacted very harsh, she seems like she didn't like people who steals.
4- Mai really loves her mom, that's why she came all the way there to help work with her mom. Mrs. Bay was very happy to see her helping her mom. Wow her mom and her actually knew french because when a french song came out fro mthe radio, the mother and daughter sat stillly listens to her childhood lullaby.
3- In the beginging of chapter 11, Thanh is arguing with someone and Mai is in her room, worried. Since her miother health isn't well enough. It was something about her father Baba Quan it was something important and yet Thanh forgets about it.

2-When Mai finally came down form her room, they didn't answer her when she asked what they were arguing about, instead they told her that there was a party and mai starts to make food along with her mother and Mrs.Bay.
1-The next few pages, Lan Cao just describes the food and the customs of making them. It was pretty interesting because my mother as well make some of those food and follow those customs.

4- Who really is Bill? What is his last name? Is he the one that was suing thanh's boss? Is Mrs.Bay her boss by any chance?
3- What are GIs?
2- How did Mai and Thanh learn french? During the war??
1-Who is Jane Fonda? xD wow I'm so clueless.

3- Nostalgia: a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life, to one's home or homeland, or to one's family and friends
2- Sibilant: Phonetics. characterized by a hissing sound; noting sounds
1- Insignia: badge or distinguishing mark of office or honor:

*2Literary Terms:
2-Metaphor: pg 193 "As the administrator, she's considered the guarantor of the pot."
1- Imagery: pg 200 where Thanh shows her emotions and feelings after knowing what had happen to Baba Quan.

1- Mai went to the store to help her mother and there slowly she starts to know the truth. I think that her grandfather has already died. Thanh have been known on this, I feel really bad for Mai and her mother.

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